Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Thrill of Football

My oldest son is growing up faster than I realize and I know he will be gone before I am ready for him to journey on.  He has been wanting to play organized football and this past weekend we went through the process of getting him equipped.  He went from the little guy that wobbled when he started to walk to a boy who is ready to learn a new sport.  Tonight he had his first practice and he called to tell me he loved it and is exhausted all in the same breath.  I can't wait to watch and see how he matures and grows with this sport.

Side note-When we were driving to get his helmet, he was listening to me talk on the cell phone to several different people.  When I hung up with the last person, he looked at me and said, "Dad, you should write a book on leadership".  I asked him why and he said you just should.  I was instantly reminded that my life with him and everyone is a chance to serve and lead people even when I don't realize people are watching.  Being intentional with people isn't by accident!